Hearing is a crucial sense that enables us to communicate, learn, and navigate the world around us. Whilst most babies have a hearing screening shortly after birth, hearing tests may be required as a child grows and develops. Temporary hearing problems are a common childhood condition and can impact speech and language development and social development and have medical implications also. Early detection and intervention are critical for children with of hearing loss in children is critical to allow appropriate treatment and / or early intervention.
True Hearing offers comprehensive hearing assessments for children from 8months of age. The type of testing can vary, and may involve a combination of approaches, but is usually based on the development age of the child.
A hearing evaluation is an in-depth assessment of an individual’s hearing by an audiologist. The purpose of this evaluation is to determine the nature and degree of the hearing loss and the best treatment options
Read moreWe are accredited to provide the full range of hearing services to eligible pensioners, veterans and DVA cardholders as part of the Commonwealth Hearing Services Program at no cost to the patient
Read moreIf you have worked in a noisy environment and now find you are suffering with hearing loss, it may be that your hearing loss is considered a work-related injury
Read moreThe concept of in-ear monitoring was brought to the forefront as a means to eliminate feedback from conventional stage monitors that are typically located in the front of the musicians in close proximity to their microphones on stage
Read moreEar wax is perfectly normal and supports the ears to self-clean, so there is really no need to clean your ears yourself
Read moreHearing tests check a person’s ability to hear the loudness and pitch of sounds. Some reasons why you may need a hearing test include ringing in your ears, others companing that you talk too loud or watch the TV on high volume, or simply you have trouble hearing conversations.
While there’s no replacement for a consultation with a hearing-care expert, our free online hearing screening can provide some quick and useful feedback about your hearing. The screening should be carried out in quite space and all you need is a pair of headphones!
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