For the millions of Australians who have hearing loss, hearing aids are usually the best option to help correct untreated hearing loss and resume a high quality of life. Many types and styles are available to suit every preference and lifestyle.
Hearing aids are small electronic devices that can be highly customized to address different types of hearing loss. All digital hearing aids contain at least one microphone to pick up sound, a computer chip that amplifies and processes sound, a speaker that sends the signal to your ear and a battery for power. More sophisticated models provide additional features, such as direct connection to a smartphone or rechargeable batteries.
We see hearing aids increase the ease of listening in all aspects of our patient’s life – whether at home, work or out and about
Read moreHearing aids are available in different styles and skin tones ranging from smallest to largest depending on hearing loss
Read moreAs an independent Audiology Clinic, True Hearing offers freedom of choice with multiple lines of hearing device technologies and models at every price point
Read moreTrue Hearing offers obligation-free trials of demo hearing aids under certain conditions
Read moreAural Rehabilitation is a service we provide that focuses on helping you adjust to your hearing loss, make the best use of your hearing aids
Read moreFind out what you should expect from a Hearing Aid fitting with True Hearing
Read moreSpeak to us on (03) 9889 4915 to discuss the best hearing aid solution for you.
Hearing tests check a person’s ability to hear the loudness and pitch of sounds. Some reasons why you may need a hearing test include ringing in your ears, others companing that you talk too loud or watch the TV on high volume, or simply you have trouble hearing conversations.
While there’s no replacement for a consultation with a hearing-care expert, our free online hearing screening can provide some quick and useful feedback about your hearing. The screening should be carried out in quite space and all you need is a pair of headphones!
Type your details to start your free hearing test